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America's First FCU
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Pacesetter Campaign Team raises over $10.6M for United Way

Bill, who served as this year’s Pacesetter Chair, led his team to go above and beyond the original goal of $10.5 million and raised a grand total of $10,647,653 over the summer.

We’d like to recognize AmFirst President and CEO Bill Connor for his recent outstanding work with the United Way of Central Alabama’s Pacesetter Campaign.

The purpose of the summer campaign is designed to jumpstart donations for the annual fall campaign.

Bill, who served as this year’s Pacesetter Chair, led his team to go above and beyond the original goal of $10.5 million and raised a grand total of $10,647,653 over the summer.

Congratulations to Bill and the members of his Pacesetter Campaign Team, Loaned Executives Cleo Crawford and Lizzie French!

Click here to read the original post on United Way of Central Alabama’s website.