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Set up travel suppressions to avoid card interruptions

If you plan on traveling outside of state lines, start taking steps now to avoid card interruptions.

Occasionally, our debit and credit cards can be declined outside of Alabama as part of our fraud prevention system.

There are two different ways to let us know in advance if you’ll be traveling out of state, so you can avoid running into any issues:

You can either call (205) 320-4000, or you can set it up online.

Members can set travel suppressions for credit cards through the mobile app, but debit cards still need to be called in, which can be done at any of our branches.

To set up travel suppressions for your credit card, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Log into the AmFirst digital banking app
  • Click the menu button on the left side of the app to display the options
  • Click the Credit Card widget
  • Select the applicable card account to sign onto MyCardInfo
    1. Click the Options menu
    2. Select Account Services
    3. Click Travel Center
    4. Enter the CVV/Enter
    5. Enter the travel dates
    6. Type in the city, state and/or country
    7. Enter mobile phone number
    8. Click Submit

HOLIDAY CLOSURE ALERT: All AmFirst branches will be closed Monday, Jan. 20th in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.