How do I set up AmFirst Digital Banking to work with a third-party personal financial management tool like Mint, Quicken, or QuickBooks? In most cases, setting up a third party PFM tool to work with AmFirst Digital Banking is pretty straightforward. To help ensure the smooth transition of data following our October 2019 online banking conversion, Intuit has provided the guides below for Mint, QuickBooks, and Quicken. If you are having trouble with one of these tools pulling in your AmFirst account information correctly, please read over the guide corresponding to your preferred PFM tool. Mint QuickBooks Quicken for Windows – Express Web Connect Quicken for Windows – Web Connect Quicken for Mac – Express Web Connect Quicken for Mac – Web Connect If you are still having trouble connecting one of these PFM tools to your account after using the guide, please contact Intuit support directly.