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On May 15 2015, a credit card processor transition will change your America’s First credit...
America’s First is transitioning to a new credit card processing system in order to provide...
Yes. Notify any companies that are automatically paid by your card of the new card...
Yes. This EMV chip card is more secure and the preferred type of card for...
Your annual percentage rate (APR) for purchases and cash advances will not change.
Notify America’s First of any changes to your address or phone number so that we...
Yes, you can access and manage your credit card account via Online Banking. To do...
In addition to viewing statement history, you can view current balance information, payment information, and...
Yes. You will need to access your credit card account via Online Banking. You will...
You will need to access your credit card account via Online Banking. Once you have...
HOLIDAY CLOSURE ALERT: All AmFirst branches will be closed Monday, Jan. 20th in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.